Cancel Your Order
We hate to see you go! Please fill out the form below to cancel your order. Please note that you can only cancel your order before it has been shipped.
Cancelation Policy
Orders can only be canceled BEFORE it ships from the vendor. Once your shipment is en route it can no longer be canceled. Please note; orders will ship before you receive a shipment confirmation email from us.
If you refuse an order upon delivery, it will fall under our standard 14 day return policy, which is subject to a deduction of roundtrip freight shipping fees from your refund.
Orders can ONLY be canceled by sending a written request to us BEFORE shipment. You must receive a written confirmation from us acknowledging cancelation for your canceled order to be valid.
We have the right to cancel an order due to items being oversold or for any reason of our choosing. If we choose to cancel an order you will be notified immediately and issued a full refund.